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the nursery from outside

My First Blog

A day at anns wombles nursery

Our day starts at 7am when the doors open, your child will be welcomed in and offered breakfast should they require it up until 8.15am. We aim to make these sessions as flexible as you require so you can do the start and finish times you would like within the opening times.

 The children will then spend the day enjoying free play time where they can free flow through the nursery and participate in key person time where they will complete daily activities focused on their learning development, which is required by the Early Years Foundation Stage, we ensure that all of our children are given a rich and varied learning environment to spark their imaginations indoors and outdoors.

All food and snacks are prepared on site, all staff members have up to date food handling qualifications. At mealtimes children are provided with their own cutlery and plates, we find mealtimes are very sociable occasions as the children will ask lots of questions about their food which can be answered by the supporting adults.

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Ann Prior

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